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Simple Outdoor Fun


I don’t know about you, but when the weather is sunny and warm everything just feels better and easier for me. We had the most beautiful spring-like weather this weekend. This winter has been particularly gray and rainy. I don’t think I realized how depressing that was until it was in the 60’s and sunny out over the weekend. It was an instant mood lift for all of us!

It's officially the first day of spring, and I’m hoping that means a lot more time outside. I am so ready for it. Here are a few simple ways to engage with your little ones outdoors as we transition into some more sunshine:

Bring an Indoor Toy Outside: This is one of my most favorite play hacks. Take a toy that’s typically used inside outdoors. Think blocks, a train set, a doll house, even an activity gym if you have an infant at home. You’ll be amazed how such a simple tweak can spark play & inspire your child to engage in new ways.

Read Outdoors: This is perfect for March, which is National Reading Month, and beyond! Reading outside is a great way to help your child make connections between their books & the world around them!

Nature Walk: Such a simple way to engage with your child outdoors. Perfect for a park, a hike, even your backyard! For an added element of fun, turn it into a scavenger hunt. Make a checklist of items you may find outside like rocks, a branch, a flower, etc. You can draw basic sketches of them and then mark them off as you find them outside.

I hope these ideas inspire some fun outdoors for your family without a ton of prep or work. Now Rae and I are off to spend some time outside!

Until next time,


PS- Looking for more simple prompts like these? Did you know I can create a customized play and activity plan specifically tailored to YOUR child’s interests and developmental goals so you can create simple, engaging play experiences your child will want to explore, support your child’s development, and make the most out of the materials you already have at home. Click here to book yours!

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