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  • jillybeansnyc

Three Tips To Keep Vibes Calm After School/Daycare

If you’re feeling like things are CRAZY in the hours after school at your home, especially at the start of the year, you are not alone! The start of school is a huge transition, and there are so many things your child is adjusting to: new routine, new rules, lots of stimulation, etc. Here are a few of my favorite tips to keep things calm after school or daycare:

  1. Try to keep schedules after school open: This is huge. It’s so tempting to run straight from school to an extracurricular or playdate. But most children need time to decompress when they get home from school or daycare. For some, this could look like quiet time at home. For others, time to just run free in the park. Leaving some time open after school can make a huge difference in after school mood and energy.

  2. Sensory Play: You’re always hearing me shouting from the rooftops about the benefits of sensory play, and after school hours is a great time for it. Playdough, kinetic sand, water play in the sink or tub are all simple ways to help your child to feel relaxed, regulated, and calm after so much stimulation.

  3. Protein-Rich Snacks: This has been a big one for us. Eating lunch & snack at school is a new concept for many children. Having a protein-rich snack available (think hummus & veggies, cheese, or a bar) can help!

  4. BONUS TIP: Prepare yourself. The same way we prepare our children in transitions, it can help to prepare your expectations. Know your child may be grumpy, exhausted, hungry etc. & that it isn’t anything personal or any is not necessarily an indication that they’re unhappy at school or daycare.

Need more support like this? My 1:1 play consultations provide a custom plan specifically tailored to YOUR child’s interests, needs, & developmental goals so you can create simple, engaging play experiences your child will want to explore, support your child’s development, and make the most out of the materials you have at home.

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